Event Details
November 21, 2023, 1:00 p.m. (Virtual by Conference Call)
(Due to the distance required to be traveled and the length of the meeting, this meeting will be held virtually by conference call.)
Dial-in number: 877-304-9269 Conference Code: 664760#
Note: ALL phones MUST remain on mute unless you are addressing the Board.
To unmute your phone, enter ##1 on your key pad
I. Call to Order / Introductions
II. Approve Agenda
III. Approve minutes from August 18, 2022*
IV. Public Comment
V. Discussion/Action
- A. Discuss/plan review of existing rules under Executive Order 10*
- B. Review advisory opinions issued since August 18, 2022, and discuss which, if any, should be adapted into proposed rules.*
- C. Discuss other proposed rules not related to advisory opinions, if any.
VI. Adjourn