Geralyn Jones/Linn-Mar Community School District - Informal Resolution Report
The Iowa Public Information Board
In re the Matter of: Geralyn Jones, Complainant And Concerning: Linn-Mar Community School District, Respondent |
Case Number: 24FC:0113 Informal Resolution Report
On November 11, 2024, Geralyn Jones filed formal complaint 24FC:0113, alleging the Linn-Mar School Board of Directors (Board) violated Iowa Code Chapter 21.
The IPIB accepted this complaint at its meeting on November 21, 2024.
On November 11, 2024, the Linn-Mar School Board of Directors held their annual election for School Board President. Two candidates, Barry Buchholz and Katie Lowe-Lancaster, were nominated for the position in open session. The election was conducted by distributing paper ballots to each of the seven Directors, including the candidates themselves, for a “written tally.” The Board Secretary announced that the tally was 4-3 in favor of Lowe-Lancaster. The Board then unanimously approved a motion to elect Lowe-Lancaster the new Board President.
The entire process was conducted in open session. However, the votes of individual Directors were not disclosed to the public at any point during the meeting. On December 9, 2024, the Board released the full results of the written tally as part of their approved meeting minutes for the November meeting.
Applicable Law
“Except as provided in section 21.5, all actions and discussions at meetings of governmental bodies, whether formal or informal, shall be conducted and executed in open session.” Iowa Code § 21.3(1).
“The minutes shall show the results of each vote taken and information sufficient to indicate the vote of each member present. The vote of each member present shall be made public at the open session.” Iowa Code § 21.3(2).
Informal Resolution
Pursuant to Iowa Code § 23.9, IPIB presents the following terms for an informal resolution of this matter:
- This Informal Resolution will be formally approved at a meeting of the Linn-Mar School Board of Directors. The Board will provide a copy of this Informal Resolution with its meeting minutes and will provide IPIB staff with a copy of the minutes demonstrating approval.
- During the same meeting, in open session, the Board will publicly re-announce the results of the written tally conducted during the Board President election on November 11, 2024, including the votes of each individual Director, in order to satisfy the requirements of Iowa Code § 21.3(1).
- The Board will develop an official policy for the conduct of future Board elections, which shall include a requirement that each participating Director’s vote be made public during the open session in which the election is held. The Board will provide IPIB staff with a copy of this policy after it is ratified.
- All Board Directors, and any staff officially involved in the conduct of Board elections, will complete training related to public meetings and records. This training will be arranged by the Board and conducted by IPIB or the Iowa Association of School Boards.
The terms of the Informal Resolution will be completed within 60 days of the date of approval of
this Informal Resolution by all parties. Upon showing of proof of compliance, the IPIB will
dismiss this complaint as successfully resolved.
Geralyn Jones approved the Informal Resolution on February 13, 2025.
The School Board approved the Informal Resolution on February 10, 2025.
The IPIB staff recommend the IPIB approve the Informal Resolution Report.
By the IPIB Agency Counsel,
Alexander Lee, J.D.