
Formal Complaints


Brian Thomas/Jefferson County Board of Supervisors  - Informal Resolution Report


The Iowa Public Information Board

In re the Matter of:

Brian Thomas, Complainant

And Concerning:

Jefferson County Board of Supervisors,  Respondent

Case Number:  24FC:0070

Final Report


On August 13, 2024, Brian Thomas filed formal complaint 24FC:0070, alleging Jefferson County Board of Supervisors (Board) violated Iowa Code chapters 21 and 22.

IPIB accepted this Complaint on October 17, 2024, finding the following potential violations.

Supervisor Discussion as a Meeting

A quorum of the Board was audio recorded having a conversation about the topics upon which it exercised decision-making. Even if the conversation did not rise to 'deliberation' between the supervisors, it is difficult to find that there was no intention by the supervisors to avoid the purposes of the open meeting requirements.

Records Requests

Thomas made a request regarding documents related to Thomas’ employment situation. It was not possible to determine whether all public records have been provided, whether documents not provided were properly withheld as confidential, and what efforts were taken by the Board to respond to the request for communications between the supervisors and others.


IPIB accepted this Complaint on October 17, 2024. Upon acceptance, the parties worked toward an informal resolution agreement.

Brian Thomas approved the Informal Resolution on December 13, 2024.

The County approved the Informal Resolution on December 13, 2024.

The IPIB approved the Informal Resolution Report on December 19, 2024.

All terms of the Informal Resolution have been met. IPIB staff recommends this Final Report be adopted and the complaint be dismissed as resolved.By the IPIB Executive Director

Erika Eckley, J.D.