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Formal Complaints


Randy Burton / Blakesburg City Council (Report & Order)


Iowa Public Information Board

In re the Matter of:

Randy Burton, complainant

And concerning:

Blakesburg City Council


Case Numbers: 15FC:0005




RE:  Formal Complaint 15FC:0005, filed by Randy Burton and concerning the Blakesburg City Council (Council). The Iowa Public Information Board (IPIB) accepted portions of the complaint on March 26, 2015, and assigned to staff for informal resolution pursuant to Iowa Code section 23.9.  Recommend adoption of proposed informal resolution.

Randy Burton, complainant, filed a complaint against the Council on January 20, 2015. Mr. Burton alleged 16 violations of Iowa Code chapters 21 and 22. Specifically, Mr. Burton alleged delays in releasing public records, inadequate agendas, failure to keep minutes, and deliberating on matters not on an agenda. Nine of the allegations were accepted by IPIB at the March 26, 2015, meeting. The other allegations were not accepted because the alleged conduct did not occur within 60 days of the complaint or because they failed to allege a violation of Iowa Code chapters 21 or 22.

All members of the Blakesburg City Council and Mayor Bill Hinshaw signed the Remediation Plan proposed by IPIB staff. A copy is scanned and attached separately.  Mr. Burton signed the plan on April 27, 2015.



I recommend that the IPIB accept the proposed remedial plan as approved by the City and complainant at the May 21, 2015, IPIB meeting.

Respectfully submitted this 30th day of April, 2015.

Margaret E. Johnson, JD
Deputy Director
Iowa Public Information Board


CC:      IPIB
            Randy Burton
            Blakesburg Mayor Bill Hinshaw
            Heather Simplot, city attorney